At many universities, August is the month when all the exciting events for youths like orientation camps and taster campaigns commence in preparation for the new academic year.
At GREEN Hospitality, we are celebrating the International Youth Day by spotlighting our summer interns from diverse backgrounds, who share their internship experience of advancing sustainability in the hospitality industry.
With youth empowerment being one of our core values, GREEN Hospitality has always been committed to providing experiential learning opportunities to young people, to empower and nurture them to become the sustainability leaders of tomorrow.
With our two core annual events – the GREEN Hackathon and GREEN Conference 2022 – taking place in the past two months, our summer interns brought their creativity and their respective skill-sets to the planning and coordination of the events. Curious to know what our interns think about their internship experience? Read our interview with Joy Hsiang, our Communications and Digital Marketing Intern, hailing from Taiwan.

“I joined GREEN Hospitality to explore sustainability issues and the non-profit sector more. As I plan to devote myself to the sustainable marketing industry after graduation, working here as a marketing intern gives me an opportunity to take a closer look at the industry and understand how it operates.” Joy beamed as she spoke about her aspirations towards her career. Brimming with passionate energy, Joy has been creating visuals and captions, managing social media accounts and tracking data analytics, and hosting internal meetings for the promotion of our events.
“From this internship journey, I have acquired skills such as better communication and writing skills, and stronger adaptability in a multicultural workplace. I also helped out in the GREEN Conference, and was glad to have the opportunity to connect with professionals who have hands-on experience in sustainability,” said Joy, who credited the internship for helping her get a foot in the door, as well as equipping her with professional skills and motivating her to act for positive change.
At GREEN Hospitality, we strive to educate and empower youth who are passionate in sustainability to realise their potential and explore their career paths in related fields.
Stay tuned to updates of GREEN’s work on youth empowerment and sustainability in the hospitality industry! Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on our social media channels.